

(prō′vûrb′)n. A word or construction that takes the place of a verb or verb phrase, such as do in the sentence She likes ice cream and I do, too.
[pro(noun) + verb.]


n. a word that can substitute for a verb or verb phrase, as do in They never attend meetings, but I do. [1905–10]


(ˈprɒv ərb)

n. 1. a short popular saying, usu. of unknown and ancient origin, that expresses effectively some commonplace truth or useful thought; adage; saw. 2. a person or thing commonly regarded as an embodiment or representation of some quality; byword. 3. a profound Biblical saying, maxim, or oracular utterance requiring interpretation. [1275–1325; Middle English proverbe < Middle French < Latin prōverbium=prō- pro-1 + verb(um) word + -ium -ium1]