Providence Canyon State Park

Providence Canyon State Park

Parks Directory of the United States / State Parks / Georgia
Location:7 miles west of Lumpkin on GA 39C.
Facilities:6 backcountry campsites, pioneer campground, 2 picnic shelters, group shelter, hiking trails (10 miles), visitor center.
Activities:Hiking, backpacking, photography.
Special Features:Multi-colored soils, along with the rare plumleaf azalea and otherwildflowers, form the layers of Georgia's "Little Grand Canyon." Thepark's visitor center explains how the massive gullies (thedeepest being 150 feet) were caused by erosion due to poor farmingpractices in the 1800s.
Address:Rt 1, Box 158
Lumpkin, GA 31815

Size: 1,003 acres.

See other parks in Georgia.