Pharmacy Institutes

Pharmacy Institutes


institutes that train qualified pharmacists (provizory). In 1976 there were five pharmacy institutes in the USSR: in addition to the Leningrad Institute of Pharmaceutical Chemistry (founded 1919), which also trains production engineers for the medical industry, there were institutes in Perm’ (1937), Piatigorsk (1943), Tashkent (1937), and Kharkov (1921). All the pharmacy institutes have graduate programs. The Leningrad institute has an evening division, the Perm’ institute has a correspondence division, and the Piatigorsk institute has a preparatory division. Qualified pharmacists are also trained in the pharmacy departments of the following medical institutes: N. Narimanov Azerbaijan, Alma-Ata, Altai, Vitebsk, Zaporozhye, Irkutsk, Kaunas, Kishinev, L’vov, I. M. Sechenov First Moscow, Riga, Tbilisi, Tomsk, Tiumen’, and Khabarovsk. The course of study in pharmacy institutes and in the pharmacy departments of medical institutes lasts 4½ years.