the Holy Father



(ˈhəuli) adjective1. (worthy of worship or respect because) associated with God, Jesus, a saint etc; sacred. the Holy Bible; holy ground. 神聖的 神圣的2. good; pure; following the rules of religion. a holy life. 聖潔的,獻身宗教的 献身于宗教的ˈholiness noun1. the state of being holy. 神聖 神圣2. (with capital. with His, ~Your etc) a title of the Pope. 教宗陛下 教皇陛下the Holy Father the Pope. 天主教教宗 罗马教皇Holy ˈThursday noun1. Ascension Day. 耶穌升天節 耶稣升天节2. Maundy Thursday. 濯足日(受難週的星期四) 濯足星期四(耶酥受难节-复活节后第四十天以后的第一个星期四)