Steklo I Keramika

Steklo I Keramika


(Glass and Ceramics), a monthly trade journal; organ of the Ministry of the Construction Materials Industry of the USSR. Publication of Steklo i keramika began in Leningrad in 1925, and since 1927 the journal has been published in Moscow. In the years 1925–38 the name was Keramika i steklo (Ceramics and Glass), in 1938–40 Stekol’naia promyshlennost’ (Glass Industry), and in 1944–47 Stekol’naia i keramicheskaiapromyshlennost’ (Glass and Ceramic Industry). Steklo i keramika is concerned with the technology, economics, and organization of production of all types of glass and fine ceramics. Circulation, 10,000(1975).