Vater fold

Va·ter fold

(vah'tĕr), a fold of mucous membrane in the duodenum just above the greater duodenal papilla.


Abraham, German anatomist and botanist, 1684-1751. duct of Vater - Synonym(s): Bochdalek ductVater ampulla - the dilation within the major duodenal papilla that normally receives both the common bile duct and the main pancreatic duct. Synonym(s): hepatopancreatic ampullaVater corpuscles - small oval bodies in the skin of the fingers, in the mesentery, tendons, and elsewhere sensitive to pressure. Synonym(s): lamellated corpuscles; pacinian corpuscles; Vater-Pacini corpusclesVater fold - a fold of mucous membrane in the duodenum just above the greater duodenal papilla.Vater tubercle - duodenal papilla. Synonym(s): papilla of SantoriniVater-Pacini corpuscles - Synonym(s): Vater corpuscles