

S0335700 (shĕlvz)n. Plural of shelf.


(ʃɛlvz) n the plural of shelf



n., pl. shelves (shelvz). 1. a thin slab of wood, metal, etc., fixed horizontally to a wall or in a frame, for supporting objects. 2. the contents of this: a shelf of books. 3. a surface or projection resembling this; ledge. 4. a. a sandbank or submerged extent of rock in the sea or river. b. the bedrock underlying an alluvial deposit or the like. c. continental shelf. Idioms: 1. off the shelf, readily available from merchandise in stock. 2. on the shelf, a. put aside temporarily; postponed. b. inactive; useless. [1350–1400; Middle English; Old English scylfe; akin to Middle Low German schelf shelf, Old Norse -skjalf bench] shelf′like`, adj.