释义 |
phatnorrhagia phat·nor·rha·gi·a (fat'nō-rā'jē-ă), Hemorrhage from a dental alveolus. [G. phatnōma, manger (alveolus), + G. rhēgnymi, to burst forth] phatnorrhagia An obsolete term that formerly dignified haemorrhage from a tooth socket following extraction.phatnorrhagia (făt″nō-rā′jē-ă) [Gr., socket of a tooth, + rhegnynai, to burst forth] Hemorrhage from the socket of a tooth.phat·nor·rha·gi·a (fat'nōr-ā'jē-ă) Dental alveolar hemorrhage. [G. phatnōma, manger (alveolus), + G. rhēgnymi, to burst forth] |