truth telling

truth telling

 [tro̳th tel´ing] in the nursing interventions classification, a intervention" >nursing intervention defined as use of whole truth, partial truth, or decision delay to promote the patient's self-determination and well-being.
A component of ethical behaviour which is required of physicians—by the tenets of the Hippocratic Oath—and integral to a high standard of professionalism

Patient discussion about truth telling

Q. How long do you want to stay in the mist? I appreciate each one of you. You are open-minded and you desire to learn. So I invite you to go through my questions and answers to learn very fast if you like to. Of course it is always nice to make a break sometimes. Take a glass of water, mark regularly your territory and stay with the iMedix-crew in touch. We are very thankful to have you with us.A. Life is something beautiful. Nature too, and your body (your boat, if you prefer, because you are the captain of your boat), is a part of this nature. The more you understand nature, the better you will understand your body. For that you don't have to be a scientist, a doctor or a university professor. Just be yourself, with your brain between your ears and always testing and asking the things behind. So you will soon understand better what is going around. Stay safe and take care of yourself.

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