

单词 prt



abbreviation for 1. (Telecommunications) text messaging party 2. (Railways) personal rapid transit 3. (Government, Politics & Diplomacy) petroleum revenue tax



GOST 7.67 Latin three-letter geocode for Portugal. The code is used for transactions to and from Portuguese bank accounts and for international shipping to Portugal. As with all GOST 7.67 codes, it is used primarily in Cyrillic alphabets.


PRTProvincial Reconstruction Team (Iraq)
PRTPortugal (ISO country code)
PRTPersonal Rapid Transit
PRTPersonal Rapid Transit (computer-controlled transportation system on West Virginia University campus)
PRTPrincess Royal Trust (est. 1991; UK)
PRTPivotal Response Treatment (autism therapy)
PRTPocket Rescue Tool (knives)
PRTProcuradoria Regional do Trabalho
PRTPartido Revolucionario de los Trabajadores (Spanish)
PRTPartito Radicale Transnazionale (Italian: Transnational Radical Party)
PRTPararescue Team (US DoD)
PRTPortal Run Time
PRTPrecomputed Radiance Transfer
PRTPrinter Formatted File
PRTPower Rangers Turbo
PRTPower Rangers Turbo (TV Show)
PRTPembantu Rumah Tangga (Indonesian: House Maid)
PRTPrison Reform Trust
PRTPhysical Readiness Test
PRTParks, Recreation and Tourism
PRTPivotal Response Training
PRTPlatinum Resistance Thermometer
PRTPetroleum Revenue Tax (UK)
PRTPilot Relief Tube (aviation device)
PRTPacific Regeneration Technologies, Inc. (Hubbard, OR, USA)
PRTProcess Technology
PRTPoor Righteous Teachers (rap group)
PRTPrecomputed Radiance Transfer (graphics lighting effect)
PRTPuerto Rico Telephone
PRTProRealTime (financial software)
PRTProgressive Resistance Training (fitness)
PRTPhysical Readiness Training
PRTPhiladelphia Rapid Transit
PRTPeer Review Team
PRTPeoples' Republic of Teesside (website; UK)
PRTPerception-Reaction Time
PRTPathogen Reduction Technology (Navigant Biotechnologies)
PRTPulse Repetition Time
PRTPhysical Rehabilitation Therapist (Canada)
PRTPacific Resident Theatre (Venice, CA, USA)
PRTPositive Reinforcement Training (dog training technique; aka Positive Reward-Based Training)
PRTPlanning and Response Team (USACE)
PRTPower Recovery Turbine
PRTProject Review Team
PRTParticipating Research Team
PRTPet Refine Technology Co., Ltd. (Japan)
PRTPharmaceutical Roundtable
PRTPressure Relief Technology (Pearl Izumi)
PRTPrairie Trail (Kansas school)
PRTPocatello Regional Transit
PRTProgram Reference Table
PRTProvisionally Registered Teacher (Australia & New Zealand)
PRTPlaywrights' Round Table (Orlando, FL)
PRTPhilosophy Religion Theology
PRTPower Ratchet Tool
PRTProduction Resource/Tool
PRTParr Terminal Railroad
PRTProvider Resiliency Training (US DoD)
PRTPortable Remote Terminal
PRTProton Remnant Tagger
PRTPrimary Restraint Technique
PRTProject Reality Tournament (video game)
PRTProfessional Responsibility Tribunal
PRTPeri-Radikuläre Therapie
PRTPulse Recurrence Time
PRTPattern Recognition Technologies
PRTProcurement Roundtable
PRTPressure Reduction Terminal
PRTProduction Resources and Tools
PRTPianificazione Registrazioni Televisive
PRTPresident's Roundtable
PRTPhoton Resonance Test
PRTPerimeter Reinforcement Technology
PRTParent Round Table
PRTPaarl Radio Taxis
PRTProduct Review Team (US DoD)
PRTParallel Ray Trace
PRTProfessional and Regulatory Training
PRTPlanning Region Team
PRTPortable Rapid Test
PRTProvider Terminal
PRTPulsed Radar Transmitter
PRTPersonnel Research Test
PRTPacific Rim Technologies, Inc.
PRTProvisional Registration Training
PRTProbabilistic Roadmap of Trees
PRTParticle Regeneration Therapy
PRTProfit Resource Timeline
PRTProgram Requirements Team
PRTPraeri Rail Trail (Iowa)
PRTPersonal Responsibility Time
PRTPerceived Risk of being Ticketed
PRTPreregistered Target (for indirect artillery fire)
PRTProduct Readiness Testing
PRTProfessional Research Tool
PRTPublic Relation Training
PRTPrefix Router Table




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