

 [so-mat´-o-form] denoting physical symptoms that can not be attributed to organic disease and appear to be of psychic origin.somatoform disorders a group of mental disorders in which physical symptoms suggest the presence of a medical disorder but are not fully explained by a general medical condition, the direct effects of a psychoactive substance, or another mental disorder. Symptoms are not under voluntary control, unlike those occurring in factitious disorders. The category includes: body dysmorphic disorder, conversion disorder, hypochondriasis, pain disorder, somatization disorder, and undifferentiated somatoform disorder.somatoform pain disorder pain disorder.undifferentiated somatoform disorder one or more persistent physical complaints, not intentionally produced or feigned, that can not be fully explained by a general medical condition or the direct effects of a substance; this category is the group of persisting disorders that do not completely satisfy the criteria for other somatoform disorders.