Bakhmaniar, Abulgasan Marzuban Ogly
Bakhmaniar, Abul’gasan Marzuban Ogly
Date of birth unknown; died 1065. Azerbaijani philosopher.
Bakhmaniar was a student of Avicenna (Ibn Sina) and tried to make use of Aristotle’s system and Neoplatonism for a substantiation of Islamic dogma. In his treatises Metaphysics and The Hierarchy of Beings (Cairo, 1911, in Arabic; Leipzig, 1851, in German), Bakhmaniar examines problems of being and cognition. The Acquisition of Knowledge and Decoration are devoted to questions of logic and written from the standpoint of rationalism. Beauty and Happiness is concerned with ethical problems.
Guseinov, G. N. Iz istorii obshchestvennoi i filosofskoi mysli v Azerbaidzhane XIX v., 2nd ed. Baku, 1958. Pages 13–14.Istoriia filosofii v SSSR, vol. 1. Moscow, 1968. Pages 129–39.
Zäkulev, Ä. Bäkhmänyarïn fälsäfi körüshläri. Baku, 1958.