Bakinskii Rabochii
Bakinskii Rabochii
(Baku Worker), one of the oldest Bolshevik newspapers, the organ of the Central Committee of the CP of Azerbaijan and of the Supreme Soviet and the Council of Ministers of the Azerbaijan SSR.
Founded in 1906, Bakinskii Rabochii had a press run in late 1969 of 130,000 copies. The first issue of Bakinskii Rabochii, that of April 1906, was published illegally. V. P. Nogin, V. A. Radus-Zen’kovich, and others served on the editorial staff. After Sept. 6, 1908, nine double issues appeared, the last one being number 18 of Oct. 31. The editor-publisher was S. T. Yakushev. On Apr. 22 (May 5), 1917, publication was resumed; in the first issue the “April Theses” of V. I. Lenin were reprinted from Pravda. After November 1917 Babinskii Rabochii was published thrice weekly. The newspaper exposed the Musavatists, Dashnaks, Socialist Revolutionaries, and Mensheviks, and it rallied the masses around the Bolsheviks; after early 1918, the paper struggled for the introduction of socialist measures in Azerbaijan. The chief editors were A. Amirian and S. G. Shau-mian. After the temporary collapse of Soviet power in Baku, the Bakinskii Rabochii was closed (August 1918). Publication was resumed Nov. 7, 1920, with the reinstatement of Soviet power. In 1946, Bakinskii Rabochii was awarded the order of the Red Banner of Labor.