Sherman-Bourquin unit of vitamin B2

Sher·man-Bour·quin u·nit of vi·ta·min B2

(shĕr'măn būr'kwin), the amount of vitamin B2 required in the diet daily to sustain an average weekly gain of 3 g for 8 weeks in standard test rats; one unit is equivalent to 1-7 mcg (0.001-0.007 mg) of riboflavin, depending on the deficiency diet used in the above assay.

Sherman-Bourquin unit of vitamin B2

An obsolete, semi-quantitative unit corresponding to the daily amount of riboflavin (vitamin B2) needed to sustain a weight gain of 3 g/week in standard test rats; empirically determined to be 1-7 µg mg of riboflavin.