somatotropin release-inhibiting hormone


(sō'mă-tō-stat'in), [MIM*182450] A tetradecapeptide capable of inhibiting the release of somatotropin by the anterior lobe of the pituitary gland; somatostatin has a short half-life; it also inhibits the release of insulin, glucagon, and gastrin. Used in the treatment of acromegaly, gigantism, and pancreatic tumors. Synonym(s): growth hormone-inhibiting hormone, somatotropin release-inhibiting factor, somatotropin release-inhibiting hormone [somatotropin + G. stasis, a standing still, + -in]

somatotropin release-inhibiting hormone

A hormone produced and released from the anterior hypothalamus in response to various stimulants–eg, high circulating glucocorticosteroids, which inhibits the release of growth hormone and TSH


(sō'mă-tō-stat'in) A tetradecapeptide capable of inhibiting release of somatotropin, insulin, and gastrin.
Compare: bioregulator
Synonym(s): growth hormone-inhibiting hormone, somatotropin release-inhibiting hormone.
[somato- + G. stasis, a standing still, + -in]