


a river in the United Republic of Cameroon. The Sa-naga is formed by the confluence of the Djerem and Lom rivers, which originate on the Adamawa plateau. It measures 918 km long, including the Djerem as its headstream, and drains an area of 135,000 sq km. It empties through several branches into the Bight of Biafra. The main tributary is the M’Bam, on the right. The middle course has a series of rapids and waterfalls. The river is fed by rain. High water is from June through December. The mean flow rate in the lower course fluctuates between 300–350 and 5,000–7,000 cu m per sec. The river is navigable below the city of Edéa. An aluminum plant in Edéa receives power from a nearby hydroelectric power plant.