Shevyrev, Petr

Shevyrev, Petr Iakovlevich


Born June 23 (July 5), 1863, in Kharkov; died May 8 (20), 1887, in Shlissel’burg Fortress. Russian revolutionary Narodnik (Populist).

The son of a merchant, Shevyrev entered the University of Kharkov in 1883 and later transferred to the University of St. Petersburg. In the winter of 1885–86, he organized an illegal student union known as the League of Zemliachestva (seeSTUDENT MOVEMENT IN RUSSIA). In late 1886, Shevyrev and A. I. Ul’ianov founded the Terrorist Faction of the People’s Will, which plotted to assassinate Emperor Alexander III.

In February 1887, suffering from tuberculosis, Shevyrev left for the Crimea. He was arrested in Yalta on March 7. On April 19, in the Second March 1 trial, he was sentenced to death (seePERVOMARTOVTSY). Shevyrev was hanged.


Gallereia shlissel’burgskikh uznikov, part 1. St. Petersburg, 1907.
Iakovenko, E. I. P. I. Andreiushkin, V. D. Generalov, P. Ia. Shevyrev. Moscow, 1931.