

S0342000 (shī′ĭst)adj.A superlative of shy1.


(ˈʃaɪɪst) adj a superlative of shy1



adj. shy•er shi•er, shy•est shi•est, adj. 1. bashful; retiring. 2. easily frightened away; timid. 3. distrustful; wary: shy of publicity. 4. deficient: shy of funds. 5. short of a full amount or number: a few dollars shy of our goal. v.i. 6. (esp. of a horse) to start back or aside in alarm. 7. to draw back; recoil. n. 8. a sudden start aside, as in alarm. [before 1000; early Middle English scheowe, Old English scēoh, c. Middle High German schiech; akin to Dutch schuw, German scheu; compare eschew] shy′er, n. shy′ly, adv. shy′ness, n.



v. shied, shy•ing, v.t., v.i. 1. to throw with a swift, sudden movement. n. 2. a quick, sudden throw. 3. a gibe or sneer. [1780–90; orig. uncertain] shy′er, n.