

单词 psd
释义 DictionarySeegraphics



(tool)Portable Scheme Debugger.


(PhotoShop Document) Photoshop's native, layered file format, which is a de facto standard in the graphics arts industry for bitmapped images. The layers enable an illustration to be created from individual graphic elements that can be moved around repeatedly, one on top of the other, until the desired result is obtained. The PSD file is often retained as a master and exported to JPEG, GIF and other graphics formats that are commonly required. In the process of conversion, the layers are removed, and the file is said to be "flattened." For more on bitmaps, see graphics. See layers and graphics formats.

A PSD Image
The image at the top is built in 23 layers plus a background layer, enabling the individual elements to be moved independently of the others. The layer window (bottom) shows each of the layers. The red arrow is pointing to the view option (the "eye") in the chip shadow layer. Clicking the eye on any layer toggles between making the layer invisible and bringing it back into view.

A PSD Image
The image at the top is built in 23 layers plus a background layer, enabling the individual elements to be moved independently of the others. The layer window (bottom) shows each of the layers. The red arrow is pointing to the view option (the "eye") in the chip shadow layer. Clicking the eye on any layer toggles between making the layer invisible and bringing it back into view.



Abbreviation for:
pancreas-sparing duodenectomy
patient services department 
pilonidal sinus disease
placental sulphatase deficiency
polysystemic dysautonomia
post-stroke depression
posterior sagittal diameter
protein sequence database
psychosomatic disease


PSD(Adobe) Photoshop Data file (Extension)
PSDPrevention of Significant Deterioration
PSDPhotoshop Design
PSDPower Spectral Density
PSDProgramming and Software Development
PSDPhotoshop Document
PSDPoudre School District (Fort Collins, CO)
PSDPrivate Sector Development
PSDPopulation and Sustainable Development (American Association for the Advancement of Science)
PSDPartido Social Democrata (Portuguese: Social Democratic Party)
PSDPayment Services Directive (EU)
PSDPublic Service Delivery
PSDSocial Democratic Party (Central African Republic)
PSDPlanetary Science Division (US NASA)
PSDPassive Solar Design (buildings)
PSDParticle Size Distribution
PSDPesticides Safety Directorate (UK)
PSDPhase Space Density
PSDProduct Sales Data
PSDParti Social Démocrate (Social Democratic Party, Cape Verde)
PSDPartidului Social Democrat (Romanian)
PSDPower Split Device (hybrid vehicles)
PSDPolitical Subdivision (Pennsylvania taxes)
PSDPersonnel Support Detachment
PSDPlatform Screen Door (trains)
PSDPhiladelphia School District (Philadelphia, PA)
PSDPorsche Sperrdifferential
PSDPost Script Driver
PSDPhoto Shop Development
PSDPersistent Storage Device
PSDPacket Switched Data
PSDPackage Substrate Defect
PSDPower Spectral Densities
PSDPage Setup Dialog
PSDPhoto Shop Document
PSDPhoto Shop Data
PSDProject Start Date
PSDPharmaceutical Services Division (various organizations)
PSDPacific Southwest District (Irvine, CA)
PSDPosition Sensitive Detector
PSDPublic Service Division (Singapore)
PSDPublic Safety Dispatcher (various locations)
PSDPartido Solidaridad Democratica (Spanish: Democratic Solidarity Party)
PSDPartido Social Democrãtico (Portugese: Social Democratic Party, Cape Verde)
PSDPower Stroke Diesel (Ford)
PSDPersonal and Social Development
PSDPascagoula School District (Mississippi)
PSDPost-Synaptic Density (neurobiology)
PSDPost Source Decay
PSDPottstown School District (Pottstown, PA)
PSDPostal Service Department (Nepal)
PSDPostsynaptic Densities
PSDPrincipal Shopping District (Michigan)
PSDPersonal Secure Drive
PSDPawtucket School Department (Pawtucket, RI)
PSDProfessional Software Development
PSDPersonal Security Detachment
PSDPublic Safety Department
PSDPowerStroke Diesel (Ford Motor Company)
PSDPost-Stroke Depression (psychology)
PSDPennsylvania School for the Deaf
PSDProduct Safety Directive
PSDPower Sliding Door
PSDPage Setup Dialog (Windows programming)
PSDProduction Services Directory (film; various locations)
PSDPublic Security Directorate (Jordan)
PSDPhase Sensitive Detector (lock-in amplifier)
PSDPlanning Systems Division (US DoD)
PSDPrimary Storage Device (computing)
PSDPresidential Security Detail (US State Department)
PSDPartido Socialista Democrático (Social Democratic Party, Brazil)
PSDProduct Specifications Document
PSDPower Savings Drive (Hybrid Disc Drive that includes flash memory to reduce drive motor operation)
PSDPartia Socialdemokrate (Social Democratic Party, Albania)
PSDPattern Standard Deviation (glaucoma testing)
PSDPhoton Stimulated Desorption
PSDPhilomath School District (Philomath, OR)
PSDProtective Security Detail
PSDProcess Shutdown (oil, chemical and process industries)
PSDPostal Security Device
PSDProtective Services Division
PSDPersonnel Support Activity Detachment (US Navy)
PSDParti Social Démocratique (French: Social Democratic Party)
PSDProfessional Staff Development
PSDProfessional Standards Directorate (UK)
PSDProgram Support Division (USACE)
PSDProfessional Standards Division
PSDParkway School District (Missouri)
PSDPlatform Solutions Division (software)
PSDProtective Service Detail
PSDPediatric Spectrum of HIV Disease
PSDPetal School District (Petal, Mississippi)
PSDProgrammable System Devices
PSDPlatforms Services Division (Microsoft)
PSDPennridge School District (Perkasie, Pa)
PSDPassive Sampling Device(s)
PSDPulse Shape Discriminator
PSDProcess Specification Departure
PSDPalisades School District (Kintnersville, Pennsylvania)
PSDPlay Sequence Descriptor
PSDPhoto Storage Device
PSDPublic Service Director
PSDProgram Support Data
PSDPhysiological Support Division
PSDPhotoshop Deluxe (Adobe bitmap file editor)
PSDPrevention of Serious Deterioration
PSDPort-Sharing Device
PSDProposed Sourcing Decision (various locations)
PSDPipeline Systems Division (American Society of Mechanical Engineers)
PSDPropulsion Systems Division
PSDProduct Service Description (Interoperability Elements of Service)
PSDPunch Sport Drink (United States Naval Academy)
PSDPrinter Sharing Device
PSDPower Semiconductor Device
PSDPosterior Standard Deviation
PSDPyramid Systems Development (Cairo, Egypt)
PSDPrestation Solidarité Dépendance (French: Solidarity Benefit Dependency)
PSDProduction Shutdown
PSDPersonnel Service Division
PSDPhoto Smoke Detector (fire alarm systems)
PSDProgram for Sustainable Development
PSDPromotion Service Date
PSDPort Security Detachment
PSDPackage Solution Definition
PSDPulse-Shaped Discrimination
PSDProgram Status Data
PSDPresident Security Division (Sri Lanka)
PSDPolling Station Diary (voting)
PSDPressure-Sensitive Digitizer
PSDPower Systems Demonstrator
PSDProject Support Data
PSDPersonnel Service Directorate
PSDProgram Security Directive
PSDPlanned Ship Date
PSDPost Security Detachment
PSDPort Safety Detachment (US Coast Guard)
PSDPacket Switch Design
PSDPolystyrene, Deuterated
PSDPrinted Strip Dipole
PSDPolysubstance Dependency
PSDPort Scan Detection/Detector
PSDPower Supply Drawer
PSDProduct System Demonstration
PSDPurchasing Support Directories




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