

单词 pse
释义 DictionarySeeencephalopathy



(Power Sourcing Equipment) A power over Ethernet (PoE) device that is a source of power, such as a PoE Ethernet switch. Contrast with "powered device" (PD), which uses the power, such as a network camera or IP phone. See PoE.


Abbr. for “planed and square-edged.”



 [en-sef″ah-lop´ah-the] any degenerative disease of the brain.AIDS encephalopathy HIV encephalopathy.anoxic encephalopathy hypoxic encephalopathy.biliary encephalopathy (bilirubin encephalopathy) kernicterus.bovine spongiform encephalopathy a prion disease of adult cattle in the British Isles with neurologic symptoms. It is transmitted by feed containing protein in the form of meat and bone meal derived from infected animals. The etiologic agent is also the cause of new variant Creutzfeldt-Jakob disease. Called also mad cow disease.boxer's encephalopathy (boxer's traumatic encephalopathy) a syndrome due to cumulative head blows absorbed in the boxing ring, characterized by slowing of mental function, occasional bouts of confusion, and scattered memory loss. It may progress to the more serious boxer's dementia. See also postconcussional syndrome.dialysis encephalopathy a degenerative disease of the brain associated with longterm use of hemodialysis, marked by speech disorders and constant myoclonic jerks, progressing to global dementia.hepatic encephalopathy a condition, usually occurring secondary to advanced liver disease, marked by disturbances of consciousness that may progress to deep coma (hepatic coma), psychiatric changes of varying degree, flapping tremor, and fetor hepaticus.HIV encephalopathy (HIV-related encephalopathy) a progressive primary encephalopathy caused by infection with virus" >human immunodeficiency virus type I, manifested by a variety of cognitive, motor, and behavioral abnormalities. Called also AIDS encephalopathy.hypernatremic encephalopathy a severe hemorrhagic encephalopathy induced by the hyperosmolarity accompanying hypernatremia and dehydration.hypertensive encephalopathy a complex of cerebral phenomena such as headache, convulsions, and coma that occur in the course of malignant hypertension.hypoxic encephalopathy encephalopathy caused by hypoxia from either decreased rate of blood flow or decreased oxygen content of arterial blood; mild cases cause temporary intellectual, visual, and motor disturbances, and severe cases can cause permanent brain damage within five minutes. Called also anoxic encephalopathy.lead encephalopathy brain disease caused by lead poisoning.mitochondrial encephalopathy encephalopathy associated with mitochondrial abnormalities, such as melas syndrome" >melas syndrome and merrf syndrome" >merrf syndrome.portal-systemic encephalopathy (portasystemic encephalopathy) hepatic encephalopathy.progressive subcortical encephalopathy Schilder's disease.subacute spongiform encephalopathy (transmissible spongiform encephalopathy) prion disease.traumatic encephalopathy 1. boxer's encephalopathy.2. postconcussional syndrome.Wernicke's encephalopathy a neurological disorder characterized by confusion, apathy, drowsiness, ataxia of gait, nystagmus, and ophthalmoplegia; it is due to thiamine deficiency, usually from chronic alcohol abuse. It is almost invariably accompanied by or followed by korsakoff's syndrome and frequently accompanied by other nutritional polyneuropathies. See also wernicke-korsakoff syndrome.


Abbreviation for Pidgin Sign English.


Abbreviation for Pidgin Sign English.


PSEPuget Sound Energy
PSEPlease (logging abbreviation)
PSEPhilippine Stock Exchange
PSEPrecision Shooting Equipment
PSEPhotoshop Elements (Adobe image software)
PSEParis School of Economics (Paris, France)
PSEParti Socialiste Européen
PSEProblem Solving Environment
PSEPortable Sanitation Europe (trade association)
PSEPost-Secondary Education
PSEPresent State Examination (clinical assessment)
PSEPublic Safety Equipment (various companies)
PSEPrague Stock Exchange (Prague, Czech Republic)
PSEPublic Sector Employment
PSEProcess Systems Engineering
PSEPersonal and Social Education
PSEPartido Socialista de Euskadi (Spain)
PSEPositive Stuff Event
PSEProgramming Support Environment
PSEPower Sourcing Equipment
PSEPage Segment
PSEPage Size Extension
PSEPort Switched Ethernet
PSEPixel Shader Engine
PSEPersonal Service Environment
PSEProducer Support Estimate
PSEPersonal Statement of Experience (Queen's University; Canada)
PSEPrincipal Software Engineer
PSEPedestrian Safety Education (various locations)
PSEPolskie Sieci Elektroenergetyczne (Poland's National Grid Operator)
PSEPlan de Sauvegarde de l'Emploi (French: Backup Plan for Employment; labor code)
PSEPage Size Extensions
PSEPacific Stock Exchange
PSEPeriodni Sustav Elemenata (Croatian: Periodic Table of Elements)
PSEPi Sigma Epsilon (Milwaukee, WI; est. 1951)
PSEPorn Star Experience
PSEParty of European Socialists
PSEPortosystemic Encephalopathy (aka Portal Systemic Encephalopathy)
PSEPower Source Equipment
PSEPale, Soft, and Exudative (condition affecting meat quality)
PSEPlant Stanol Ester (margarine)
PSEPre-Service Education
PSEPalestine Securities Exchange
PSEPaper, Science, and Engineering
PSEPostal Stationery
PSEPublic Service Employment
PSEPuget Sound Electrical (Bremerton, WA)
PSEPoverty and Social Exclusion (survey; UK)
PSEPlain Small End (pipe design)
PSEPurchasing-Selling Entity
PSEPhysicians, Scientists, and Engineers for Healthy Energy
PSEPortal Systemic Encephalopathy (aka Portosystemic Encephalopathy)
PSEPersonal Security Environment
PSEPlan Sport Emploi (French: Sport Jobs Plan)
PSEPsychological Stress Evaluator (early form of voice lie detector)
PSEPayment Settlement Entity (IRS)
PSEPublic Sector Enterprise
PSEPhotosensitive Epilepsy (visually stimulated seizure disorder)
PSEPrice Search Engine (software)
PSEProgram for Senior Executives
PSEPidgin Sign English (now called Contact Language)
PSEPublic Service Event (various organizations)
PSEProstate-Specific Antigen
PSEProblem Solving Education (various locations)
PSEProducts, Services and Environments
PSEPartido de los Socialistas Europeos (Spanish: Party of European Socialists)
PSEProfessional Self-Esteem
PSEPhysical Security Equipment
PSEPsychological Operations Support Element (US DoD)
PSEPower Systems Electrician
PSEPeculiar Support Equipment
PSEProduct Safety Engineering
PSEPacket Switching Exchange
PSEProduct Support Engineer
PSEPersonal Safety Equipment
PSEPrimary Structural Element (structural engineering)
PSEPublic Sector Entity
PSEProject Support Environment
PSEPre Specified Event (drug efficacy)
PSEPre-Stamped Envelope
PSEPersistent Storage Engine
PSEPrimary School Examination
PSEPhysiological Systems Experiment
PSEPackaging Services Expo (trade show)
PSEScreen Enclosure (building code)
PSEPower Supply Electronics
PSEProfit-Seeking Enterprise (taxes)
PSEPower System Electronics
PSEPonce, PR, USA - Mercedita (Airport Code)
PSEPersonal Service Establishment
PSEPratt School of Engineering (Duke University; Durham, NC)
PSEPower Systems Electric (Maryland)
PSEPark's Systems Engineering Co. (Kansas City, MO)
PSEPoor Self-Esteem
PSEPlanned Special Exposure
PSEPacific Science & Engineering Group
PSEPlans, Specifications and Estimate
PSEPower Sampling Electronics
PSEParabolized Stability Equation
PSEPreliminary Safety Evaluation
PSEPlant Support Engineering
PSEPlaned Square Edge (timber/wood)
PSEPoint of Subjective Equivalence
PSEPersonnel Support Equipment
PSEPower System Equipment
PSEPatient Safety Event
PSEPadnos School of Engineering (Grand Valley State University, Grand Rapids, Michigan)
PSEPSYOP Support Element (US military)
PSEPower Spectrum Estimation
PSEPower Supply Enclosure
PSEPhysical Social Education
PSEPressure Safety Element (bursting disc)
PSEPaper Surface Efficiency
PSEPower Source Element
PSEProfessional Software Engineer
PSEProgram Support Equipment
PSEPrimitive Switching Element
PSEProject System Engineer
PSEPrice Subject to Escalation
PSEPower Support Engineering
PSEPrincipal Staff Element
PSEPeer Sexuality Educators (Smith College)
PSEProfessional Stamp Expertisers (Miami, FL)
PSEProject Support Engineer
PSEPrefix-Synchronized, Embedded-index (coding)
PSEPersonnel Subsystem Elements
PSEPlan de Surveillance et de Suivi de l'Environnement (French)
PSEPiano Strutturale di Emergenza
PSEParachute Survival Ensemble
PSEPriority Standardization Effort
PSEProgram Subelement
PSEProgram System Evolution
PSEProfessional Server Engineer
PSEPatch Set Exception (Oracle)
PSEProtection Signalling Equipment
PSEPreliminary Sales Estimate
PSEPower Switching Element
PSEPower Services Engineering (France)
PSEProduction Software Engineer




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