释义 |
pseudesthesia, pseudaesthesiaPathology. false or ghost sensations, such as those which seem to come from a missing limb. — pseudesthetic, pseudaesthetic, adj.See also: Nervespseudesthesia
pseudesthesia [soo″des-the´zhah] a subjective sensation occurring in the absence of the appropriate stimuli; an imaginary sensation.pseud·es·the·si·a (sū'des-thē'zē-ă), 1. Synonym(s): paraphia2. A subjective sensation not arising from an external stimulus. Synonym(s): pseudoesthesia (2) 3. Synonym(s): phantom limb pain [pseud- + G. aisthēsis, sensation] pseud·es·the·si·a (sūd'es-thē'zē-ă) 1. Synonym(s): paraphia. 2. A subjective sensation not arising from an external stimulus. 3. Synonym(s): phantom limb. Synonym(s): pseudoaesthesia. [pseud- + G. aisthēsis, sensation] |