Phillip Bonosky
Bonosky, Phillip
Born Mar. 7, 1916, in Duquesne, Pennsylvania. American writer and publicist. Son of an immigrant worker from Lithuania.
Bonosky took part in the trade union movement of the 1930’s and began writing for the progressive press at the beginning of the 1940’s. In his documentary novel Brother Bill McKie (1953; Russian translation, 1956), Bonosky gave a portrait of one of the trade union leaders in the Ford plants. In his novels Burning Valley (1953; Russian translation, 1961) and The Magic Fern (1961; Russian translation, 1961), Bonosky shows the struggle of the American proletariat and the spiritual growth of the workers. In 1959 and 1965 he visited the USSR. Bonosky writes warmly of his visit to Soviet Lithuania and the Democratic Republic of Vietnam in his book Beyond the Borders of Myth (1967).
The Magic Fern. New York, 1961.In Russian translation:
“Blesk I nishcheta Ameriki.” Inostrannaia literatura, 1959, no. 8.
Balashov, P. “Sila zhiznennoi pravdy (F. Bonoski, Goriashchaia dolina).” Slaviane, 1954, no. 9.Bogdan, M. “Philip Bonosky—scritor umanist.” Steaua, 1963, no. 6.