

单词 trypanosomiasis




T0394400 (trĭ-păn′ə-sō-mī′ə-sĭs)n. pl. try·pan·o·so·mi·a·ses (-sēz′) Infection with or disease caused by trypanosomes.


(ˌtrɪpənəsəˈmaɪəsɪs) n (Pathology) any infection of an animal or human with a trypanosome. See also sleeping sickness, Chagas' disease


(trɪˌpæn ə soʊˈmaɪ ə sɪs, ˌtrɪp ə nə-)

n. an infectious disease caused by a trypanosome.




(trəpăn'əsōmī`əsis), infectious disease caused by a protozoan organism, the trypanosometrypanosome
, microscopic, one-celled protozoan of the genus Trypanosoma, typically living as an active parasite in the bloodstream of a vertebrate; hundreds of species are known. A trypanosome is long and pointed and possesses a flagellum.
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, which exists as a parasite in the blood of a number of vertebrate hosts. The three variations of the disease that predominate in humans are transmitted by an insect vector. Two types of African sleeping sickness are caused, respectively, by Trypanosoma brucei rhodesiense and T. brucei gambiense, both transmitted by the bite of the tsetse flytsetse fly
, name for any of several bloodsucking African flies of the genus Glossina, and in the same family as the housefly. The larva of the tsetse fly develops inside the body of the mother until it is ready to pupate in the soil.
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. South American trypanosomiasis, or Chagas' diseaseChagas' disease,
disease of South and Central America caused by the parasite Trypanosoma cruzi. It usually affects children and young adults and is transmitted by the feces of infected insects, typically the assassin bug.
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, is caused by T. cruzi, which is the most common cause of heart disease in South America. It is transmitted by certain species of bugs; the parasite enters the skin when infected bug feces are rubbed into the site of the bite.

The characteristic symptoms of Chagas' disease are edema; hard, red nodular outbreaks of the skin; and damage to the heart muscle. There is no effective treatment. Symptoms of African sleeping sickness may appear at once, after several weeks, or even after years in the Gambian type, which is the most common form. Early disturbances include inflammation at the site of the bite, intermittent fever, enlargement of the spleen; in the Gambian variety the lymph nodes are enlarged. Subsequent signs of heart damage, personality changes, and headache develop. The final stages are marked by tremor, disturbed speech and gait, emaciation, and a prolonged comatose state. African trypanosomiasis is treated with pentamidine or suramin, which are effective when injected in early stages of the disease; in the second stage, when the nervous system is affected, treatment involves melarsoprol or nifurtimox and eflornithine. Even with treatment, organ damage appears irreversible and the disease is often fatal; the prognosis becomes grave after the nervous system is invaded. Prevention involves the use of insecticides and the clearing of vegetation that harbors the tsetse fly. A form of trypanosomiasis known as nagana affects cattle, leading to enormous annual economic losses.



a disease of man and animals caused by members of the genus of protozoans trypanosoma. Trypanoso-miasis is a naturally endemic transmissible disease. Diseased persons and animals are sources of infection. Two forms of trypano-somiasis have been observed in man: African sleeping sickness and Chagas’ disease (American trypanosomiasis). Prevention includes the destruction of transmitters (insects) and chemopro-phylaxis of humans.

Trypanosomiasis of animals is widely prevalent in Africa, Central and South America, and Asia. It causes great damage to livestock. Forms found in the USSR include dourine of equids and su-auru of camels, horses, donkeys, mules, and dogs. The principal causative agents of trypanosomiasis of domestic animals are Trypanosoma brucei, T. vivax, T. congolense, T. simiae, T. evansi, and T. equiperdum. All species of vertebrates are affected. The causative agents are transmitted by biological vectors, mainly tsetse, lice, mites, ticks, and fleas; by mechanical means, for example, by horseflies and mosquitoes; or by sexual contact, in the case of dourine. Carnivores and omnivores may become infected by eating the flesh of diseased animals. Large wild animals and biological vectors play an important part in spreading and preserving the causative agents.

Symptoms include intermittent fever, inhibition, lacrimation, edema, and paresis and paralysis of the extremities. Trypano-somes are occasionally found in the peripheral blood when symptoms appear. Animals usually die as a result of paralysis if the course of the disease is acute or subacute and as a result of cachexia if it is chronic. The diagnosis is based on epizootological data, symptoms, presence of the causative agent in the blood, and results of sérologie tests. The disease is treated with such trypanocides as naganin, Pyraldin (Antrycide), omidium salts, and Azidin. Preventive measures include the control of vectors, treatment of animals with trypanocides, and detection and treatment of all parasite carriers.


[trə‚pan·ə·sō′mī·ə·səs] (medicine) Any of many diseases of humans and animals caused by infection with species of Trypanosoma and transmitted by tsetse flies and other insects.




 [tri-pan″o-so-mi´ah-sis] infection with trypanosomes.African trypanosomiasis an often fatal disease of Africa caused by Trypanosoma gambiense or T. rhodesiense and involving the central nervous system. The parasites are transmitted to human beings from cattle or other animals by the bite of the tsetse fly. Usually the first symptom is inflammation at the site of the bite, appearing within 48 hours. Within several weeks the parasites invade the blood and lymph, and eventually they attack the central nervous system. Characteristic symptoms include intermittent fever, rapid heartbeat, and enlargement of the lymph nodes and spleen. In the advanced stage of the disease there are personality changes, apathy, sleepiness, disturbances of speech and gait, and severe emaciation.

Pharmacologic treatment should begin as soon as possible and is based on lab results and patient symptoms. suramin, pentamidine isethionate, and melarsoprol are the most common medications used. Pentamidine isethionate or suramin may be injected to remove parasites from the blood or lymph nodes before onset of disease, but the most effective preventive measure is eradication of the tsetse fly.
American trypanosomiasis (South American trypanosomiasis) a form found from the southern United States south into South America, caused by Trypanosoma cruzi; it is transmitted to humans from wild animals by means of the feces of a blood-sucking bug. The parasites multiply around the points of entry before entering the blood and eventually attacking the heart, brain, and other tissues. Called also Chagas' disease.

The acute form often attacks children. Early symptoms include swelling of the eyelids and the development of a hard, red, painful nodule on the skin. Enlargement of the lymph nodes, liver, and spleen occurs, along with inflammation of the heart muscle, psychic changes, and general debility. In adults the chronic form often resembles heart disease.
The control strategy suggested by the World Health Organization is to interrupt transmission of the disease by the vectors and to systematically screen blood donors. Preventive measures, such as the wearing of protective clothing and the use of insecticides, are of primary importance. Medication with antiprotozoal agents is usually effective when administered during the acute stage of infection.


(tri-pan'ō-sō-mī'ă-sis, trip'ă-nō-), Any disease caused by a trypanosome. Synonym(s): trypanosomosis


(trĭ-păn′ə-sō-mī′ə-sĭs)n. pl. trypanosomia·ses (-sēz′) Infection with or disease caused by trypanosomes.


(1) South American trypanosomiasis (Chagas disease). 
(2) African trypanosomiasis: 
• West African—chronic or Gambian trypanosomiasis caused by Trypanosoma brucei gambiense. 
• East African—acute or Rhodesian trypanosomiasis caused by Trypanosoma brucei rhodinense.


See American trypanosomiasis.


(trī-pan'ō-sŏ-mī'ă-sis) Any disease caused by a trypanosome.
Synonym(s): trypanosomosis.


In Africa, a disease of the nervous system caused by infection with the single-celled parasite Trypanosoma brucei . Commonly known as ‘sleeping sickness’ African trypanosomiasis features extensive brain inflammation with headache, loss of concentration, lassitude, a vacant expression, drooping eyelids and finally loss of all motivation so that the affected person may starve to death. Unless treated, the condition ends in seizures, coma and death. See also TSETSE FLY and CHAGAS DISEASE (South American trypanosomiasis).


country in West Africa, bordering North Atlantic Ocean and Senegal. Gambian sleeping sickness - caused by parasite Trypanosoma brucei and transmitted through bite of an infected tsetse fly. Synonym(s): trypanosomiasis
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