

(er'i-sip'ĕ-loyd), A specific, usually self-limiting, cellulitis of the hand caused by Erysipelothrix rhusiopathiae; appears as a dusky erythema with diamondlike configuration of the skin at the site of a wound sustained in handling fish or meat and may become generalized, with plaques of erythema and bullae, and occasionally, severe toxemia. Synonym(s): blubber finger, crab hand, pseudoerysipelas, seal fingers, whale fingers [G. erysipelas + eidos, resemblance]


(soo″dō-ĕr-ĭ-sĭp′ĕ-lăs) [″ + erythros, red, + pella, skin] An inflammation of subcutaneous cellular tissue simulating erysipelas.