suspensory ligament of ovary

sus·pen·so·ry lig·a·ment of o·va·ry

[TA] a band of peritoneum that extends upward from the upper pole of the ovary; it contains the ovarian vessels and ovarian plexus of nerves. Synonym(s): ligamentum suspensorium ovarii [TA], Clado band, infundibulopelvic ligament

sus·pen·so·ry lig·a·ment of o·va·ry

(sŭs-pen'sŏr-ē lig'ă-mĕnt ō'văr-ē) [TA] A band of peritoneum that extends upward from the upper pole of the ovary; it contains the ovarian vessels and ovarian plexus of nerves.
Synonym(s): ligamentum suspensorium ovarii [TA] .

suspensory ligament of ovary

A ligament extending from the tubal end of the ovary laterally to the pelvic wall. It lies in the layers of the broad ligament in which the ovarian artery is found. See also: ligament