suspensory ligaments of breast

sus·pen·so·ry lig·a·ments of breast

[TA] well-developed retinacula cutis that extend from the fibrous stroma of the mammary gland to the overlying skin. Synonym(s): ligamenta suspensoria mammaria [TA], retinaculum cutis mammae ☆ , suspensory retinaculum of breast ☆ , Cooper ligaments (1) , suspensory ligaments of Cooper

sus·pen·so·ry lig·a·ments of breast

(sŭs-pen'sŏr-ē lig'ă-mĕnts brest) [TA] Well-developed retinacula cutis that extends from the fibrous stroma of the mammary gland to the overlying skin.
Synonym(s): ligamenta suspensoria mammae [TA] .