Philosophical Journals
Philosophical Journals
The first scholarly journals to deal with philosophy date from the second half of the 17th century. The scholarly journals Journal des sçavans (Paris, 1665–1792), Philosophical Transactions (London, since 1665), and Acta eruditorum (Leipzig, 1682–1731) published articles on natural science and philosophy, provided news of interest to philosophers, and reviewed books on philosophy. The first philosophical journals as such were published in the 18th century in Germany and included Acta philosophorum (Halle, 1715–26), Philosophisches Journal einer Gesellschaft deutscher Gelehrten (Jena-Leipzig, 1795–1800), and Kritisches Journal der Philosophie (Tübingen, 1802–03). The early philosophical journals often contained articles on pedagogy, politics, law, and theology; examples were Revue philosophique, littéraire et politique (Paris, 1794–1807) and Zeitschrift für Philosophie und Pädagogik (Langensalza, 1894–1914).
In the mid-19th century, a number of new philosophical journals were founded, among them Zeitschrift für Philosophie und philosophische Kritik (Leipzig, 1837–1918) and La Revue philosophique et religieuse (Paris, 1855–58). Between 1850 and 1900, 31 philosophical journals were founded in the USA, Italy, Russia, and Poland. The first international philosophical journal was The Monist: An International Journal of General Philosophical Inquiry (Chicago, 1890–1936), and the first bibliographical philosophical journal was Repertoire bibliographique de la philosophie (Louvain, since 1894). The first philosophical journals dealing with ethics and social philosophy were published at this time.
In the second half of the 19th century the representatives of a number of philosophical schools founded their own journals, including the neo-Kantian Kant-Studien (Hamburg-Leipzig, since 1896) and the neo-Thomist Philosophisches Jahrbuch (Munich, since 1888), Revue thomiste (Paris, since 1893), and Revue de Philosophie (Paris, 1900–39). The representatives of neocriticism founded L’Ann’e philosophique (Paris, 1867–1913). The period between 1900 and 1914 witnessed the founding of 19 new philosophical journals, including journals published in Czechoslovakia, Spain, Italy, Poland, and Ireland. Philosophical journals dealing with aesthetics, the philosophy of culture, and the philosophy of history began publication, and the international journal Logos: Internationale Zeitschrift für Philosophie der Kultur (Tübingen, 1910–33) was founded.
On the eve of World War I (1914–18) there were more than 40 philosophical journals worldwide. Many of them suspended publication during the war, and several ceased publication permanently. The period between 1919 and 1939 witnessed the founding of 57 new philosophical journals in Germany, Italy, France, and the USA; new philosophical journals were also published in China, Australia, and India. Philosophical journals specializing in logic and the scientific method included Erkenntnis (Leipzig, 1930–40), Philosophy of Science (Baltimore, Md., since 1934), and Theoria (Göteborg, since 1935).
During World War II (1939–45), 21 philosophical journals ceased publication. A number of new philosophical journals were founded, mainly in the USA. After the war many new philosophical journals began publication: 37 between 1945 and 1950, about 50 in the year 1950, about 50 between 1951 and 1960, and about 40 between 1960 and 1966. New philosophical journals were also founded in Argentina, Chile, Brazil, Mexico, and Ecuador, as well as in Pakistan and India. New philosophical journals were founded that dealt with aesthetics, ethics, logic, the history of philosophy, and the methodology of the social sciences. Philosophical journals of abstracts were founded, as were new international philosophical journals. The number of philosophical journals has doubled approximately every 15 or 20 years: in 1850 there were four such journals; in 1870 there were nine, in 1890 there were 19, in 1910 there were 38, in 1930 there were 58, in 1950 there were 97, and by 1970 there were about 200.
Philosophical journals published in Russia included Filosofskii trekhmesiachnik (Philosophical Trimonthly, since 1885), Voprosy filosofii i psikhologii (Problems of Philosophy and Psychology, 1889–1918), Logos (1910–14), Novye idei v filosofii (New Concepts in Philosophy, 1912–14), and Vera i razum (Faith and Reason, 1884–1916). Articles on philosophy were also published in the journals Nauchnoe obozrenie (Scholarly Review, 1894–1903) and Zhurnal Ministerstva narodnogo prosveshcheniia (Journal of the Ministry of Public Education, 1834–94).
Philosophical journals published in the USSR have included Pod znamenem marksizma (Under the Banner of Marxism, 1922–44) and Problemy marksizma (Problems of Marxism, 1928–34). Articles on philosophy were also printed in the journals Letopisi marksizma (Annals of Marxism, 1926–30), Vestnik Kommunisticheskoi akademii (Journal of the Communist Academy, 1922–35), Mysl’ (Thought, Petrograd, 1922), and Filosofs’ka dumka (Philosophical Thought, 1927–37). Philosophical journals presently published in the USSR are Voprosy filosofii (Problems of Philosophy, since 1947), Filosofskie nauki (Philosophical Studies, since 1958), Vestnik MGU: Filosofiia (Journal of Moscow State University: Philosophy, since 1966), Vestnik LGU: Filosofiia (Journal of Leningrad State University: Philosophy, since 1956), and Filosofs’ka dumka (Philosophical Thought, Kiev, since 1969). Also published are the philosophical journals of abstracts Obshchestvennye nauki v SSSR, ser. 3: Filosofskie nauki (The Social Sciences in the USSR, series 3: Philosophical Studies, since 1973) and Obshchestvennye nauki za rubezhom, ser. 3: Filosofiia i sotsiologiia (The Social Sciences Abroad, series 3: Philosophy and Sociology, since 1973).
A list, -by country, of leading foreign philosophical journals follows.
Australian Journal of Philosophy (Sydney, since 1923)
Wiener Zeitschrift für Philosophie, Psychologie und Pädagogik (Vienna, since 1947)
Logique et analyse (Louvain, since 1958)
Revue philosophique de Louvain (Louvain, since 1894)
Tijdschrift voor philosophie (Louvain, since 1939)
Revista brasileira de filosofia (São Paulo, since 1951)
Filosofska misul (Sofia, since 1945)
Dialogue: Revue canadienne de philosophie (since 1962)
Filosofia (Bratislava, since 1968)
Filosofický časopis (Prague, since 1953)
Federal Republic of Germany
Philosophia Naturalis: Archiv für Naturphilosophie und die philosophischen Grenzbegebiete (Meisenheim, since 1950)
Philosophischer Literaturanzeiger (Meisenheim, since 1949)
Philosophische Rundschau (Tübingen, since 1953)
Philosophisches Jahrbuch (Munich, since 1888)
Universitas (Stuttgart, since 1946)
Wissenschaft und Weisheit (Düsseldorf, since 1934)
Wort und Wahrheit (Freiburg, since 1946)
Zeitschrift für allgemeine Wissenschaftstheorie (Wiesbaden, since 1969)
Zeitschrift für philosophische Forschung (Meisenheim, since 1946)
Archives de philosophie (Paris, since 1923)
Bulletin de la société française de philosophie (Paris, since 1901)
Esprit (Paris, since 1932)
Etudes philosophiques (Paris, since 1926)
Nouvelle critique (Paris, since 1948)
La Pensée (Paris, since 1939)
Revue de métaphysique et de morale (Paris, since 1893)
Revue d’esthétique (Paris, since 1948)
Revue de synthèse (Paris, since 1931)
Revue d’histoire et de philosophie religieuses (Strasbourg, since 1921)
Revue philosophique de la France et de I’Etranger (Paris, since 1876)
Les Temps modernes (Paris, since 1945)
German Democratic Republic
Deutsche Zeitschrift für Philosophie (Berlin, since 1953)
Great Britain
British Journal for the Philosophy of Science (Edinburgh, since 1950)
The British Journal of Aesthetics (London, since 1960)
Metaphilosophy (Oxford, since 1970)
Mind (London, since 1876)
Studies in History and Philosophy of Science (London, since 1970)
Magyar filozófiai szemle (Budapest, since 1957)
Archivo difilosofia (Rome, since 1931)
Filosofia (Turin, since 1950)
Giornale critico della filosofia italiana (Messina-Florence, since 1920)
Giornale di metafisica (Turin, since 1946)
Il pensiero (Milan, since 1946)
Rivista critica di storia della filosofia (Milan, since 1946)
Rivista di estetica (Padua, since 1956)
Rivista di filosofia (Modena-Turin, since 1909)
Rivista difilosofia neoscolastka (Milan, since 1909)
Sapienza (Bologna, since 1948)
Sophia (Rome, since 1933)
The Netherlands
Idealistic Studies (The Hague, since 1971)
Theory and Decision (Dordrecht, since 1970)
Inquiry (Oslo, since 1958)
Sludia estetyczne (Warsaw, since 1964)
Sludia filozoficzne (Warsaw, since 1957)
Sludia logica (Poznań-Warsaw, since 1953)
Cercetdri filozofice (Bucharest, 1954–63; since 1964 called Revista de filozofie)
Revista de filosofía (Madrid, since 1942)
Dialeética (Neuchâtel, since 1947)
American Philosophical Quarterly (Pittsburgh, Pa., since 1964)
American Philosophical Society: Yearbook (Philadelphia, Pa., since 1937)
Ethics (Philadelphia-Chicago, since 1890; before 1938 called International Journal of Ethics)
International Philosophical Quarterly (New York, since 1961)
Journal of Aesthetics and Art Criticism (New York, since 1941)
Journal of Existentialism (New York, since 1960)
Journal of the History of Ideas (New York, since 1940)
Journal of the History of Philosophy (Berkeley, Calif., since 1963)
Journal of Philosophy (New York, since 1904)
Journal of Symbolic Logic (Menasha, Wis., since 1936)
The Modern Schoolman (St. Louis, Mo., since 1925)
The New Scholasticism (Washington, D.C., since 1926)
Nous (Detroit, Mich., since 1967)
The Personalist (Los Angeles, since 1920)
The Philosophical Review (Ithaca, N.Y.-Boston, since 1892)
Philosophical Studies (Minneapolis, Minn., since 1950)
Philosophy East and West (Honolulu, since 1951)
Philosophy of Science (Baltimore, Md., since 1934)
Philosophy Today (Celina, Ohio, since 1957)
Review of Metaphysics (New Haven, Conn., since 1947)
Soviet Studies in Philosophy (New York, since 1962)
The Thomist (Baltimore-Washington, since 1939)
Dialectica (Belgrade, since 1947)
Filozofija (Belgrade, since 1957)
A list of international philosophical journals follows.
Bibliographie de la philosophie (Paris, since 1937)
Bulletin signalétique: Philosophie sciences humaines (Paris, since 1961)
Cultural Hermeneutics (Dordrecht, The Netherlands, since 1972)
Dialectica (Lausanne, since 1947)
Diogènes (New York, since 1953)
ETC: A Review of General Semantics (San Francisco, since 1943)
Foundations of Language (Dordrecht, since 1965)
Logique et analyse (Louvain, Belgium, since 1958)
Philosophia mathematica (Kingston, 111., since 1964)
Philosophy and Phenomenological Research (Buffalo, N.Y., since 1940)
Revue internationale de philosophie (Paris, since 1938)
Synthese (Dordrecht, since 1936)
Ulrich’s International Periodicals Directory, vol. 2. New York, 1971. Pages 1278–89.