Remedello Culture

Remedello Culture


an archaeological culture of the Aeneolithic period and the early Bronze Age in northern Italy (the end of the third and the beginning of the second millennium B.C.). The culture is named for the Remedello Sotto necropolis near the city of Brescia (Lombardy). In the 19th and early 20th centuries more than 100 graves and the remains of a settlement were excavated. The graves were arranged in rows, with the dead in a flexed position. They contained shell ornaments, ceramics of the bell-beaker culture, and articles of polished nephrite, copper, and bronze (axes, swords, arrowheads).


Colini, G. A. “II sepolcreto di Remedello Sotto nel Bresciano e il periodo eneolítico in Italia.” Bolletino di Paleontologia Italiana, vols. 24–28. Parma, 1898–1902.
Duhn, F. von. Italienische Gräberkunde, vol. 1. Heidelberg, 1924.
Acanfora, M. “Fontanella Mantovana e la cultura di Remedello.” Bolletino di Paleontologia Italiana. n. s. X. 1956, vol. 65, no. 2.