Phinuit, Dr.
Phinuit, Dr.
(religion, spiritualism, and occult)Dr. Phinuit is best known as being the first spirit guide of Leonore Piper (1859–1950), herself known as the foremost trance medium in the history of psychical research. Phinuit claimed that he was French and that he had been a physician in Metz. However, no convincing proof of his identity was ever forthcoming. His statements about himself were obscure and frequently contradictory, hence they were not trusted. Some researchers went to the trouble of going through the archives at Metz, but could find no trace of such a person ever having lived there.
Phinuit, despite claiming to be French, could not speak the language. When he was questioned as to why this was, he replied that he had so many English-speaking patients at Metz that he had finally forgotten his own language! Later, on closer questioning, he confessed that he wasn’t sure whether he was from Metz or from Marseilles. He also looked at the possibility that his name was not Phinuit but Jean Alaen Scliville. The final conclusion of many researchers was that he was nothing more than a secondary personality of Mrs. Piper’s, perhaps induced through suggestion at an early séance. However, Phinuit repeatedly, over several years, provided detailed evidence of spirit life, with evidential messages to many sitters.
Imperator and a group of spirits that originally worked with William Stainton Moses went to work with Mrs. Piper in 1897. According to Imperator, Dr. Phinuit was an earthbound spirit who had become confused and bewildered in his first attempts at communication and had lost his consciousness of personal identity. Phinuit was the main control for Mrs. Piper from 1884 to 1892. Then he shared control with George Pelham until, in 1897, the Imperator group took over and Phinuit disappeared.