

 [flĕ-bos´tah-sis] 1. venous stasis.2. temporary sequestration of a portion of blood from the general circulation by compressing the veins of a limb.


(fle-bos'tă-sis), 1. Abnormally slow motion of blood in veins, usually with venous distention. 2. Treatment of congestive heart failure by compressing proximal veins of the extremities with tourniquets. Synonym(s): bloodless phlebotomy Synonym(s): venostasis [phlebo- + G. stasis, a standing still]


(1) Venous stasis, see there. 
(2) The use of tourniquets to slow the blood flow to the heart in congestive heart failure; e.g., bloodless phlebotomy.


(flĕ-bos'tă-sis) 1. Abnormally slow motion of blood in veins, usually with venous distention. 2. Treatment of congestive heart failure by compressing proximal veins of the extremities with tourniquets.
Synonym(s): venostasis.
[phlebo- + G. stasis, a standing still]