Wall Doxey State Park

Wall Doxey State Park

Parks Directory of the United States / State Parks / Mississippi
Location:7 miles south of Holly Springs, off MS 7.
Facilities:64 developed campsites with water and electric hookups, bathhouses withhot showers, 18 tent campsites, 9 vacation cabins, group camp, picnicarea, 4 picnic pavilions, nature trail (2.5 miles), boat launch,playing fields, playground, disc golf course, visitor center withmeeting and banquet rooms.
Activities:Camping, swimming, fishing, boating.
Special Features:Park is situated on a 60-acre spring-fed lake and offers fishing aswell as other water sports. It's just a short drive from the park tothe antebellum homes of Holly Springs.
Address:3946 Hwy 7 S
Holly Springs, MS 38635

Web: www.mdwfp.com/parkView/parks.asp?ID=2819
Size: 810 acres.

See other parks in Mississippi.