Step on it!

step on it

To go faster or as fast as one can, especially in a car. Often used as an imperative. Take me to the airport, and step on it! We'll need to step on it if we're going to get to the movie on time.See also: on, step

step on it

Hurry up, go faster, as in Step on it or we are going to be late. This idiom alludes to stepping on a vehicle's gas pedal. [Colloquial; c. 1920] See also: on, step

step on it

1 make a motor vehicle go faster by pressing down on the accelerator pedal with your foot. 2 hurry up. informalSee also: on, step

ˈstep on it

(also step on the ˈgas especially in American English ) (informal) drive a car faster; accelerate: You’ll be late if you don’t step on it.See also: on, step

Step on it!

in. Hurry up! (As if one were pressing down on the gas pedal. Not limited to vehicles, though.) We’re late. Come on! Step on it! See also: on, step

step on it

Informal To go faster; hurry.See also: on, step