step on the gas

step on the gas

1. When driving, to accelerate (by stepping on the gas pedal). Often used as an imperative. Step on the gas, will you? We're going to be late! If you don't step on the gas a bit, we're going to keep getting passed.2. To move faster or increase intensity. We need to step on the gas in the second half to keep up with them. I think it's time to step on the gas with this initiative and really scale it up.See also: gas, on, step

step on the gas

 and step on itto hurry up; to make a vehicle go faster. (As if stepping on an automobile's accelerator. step on the gas. We are going to be late! step on it! Let's go!See also: gas, on, step

step on the gas

press on the accelerator to make a car go faster. North American informalSee also: gas, on, step