phlyctenular keratitis

phlyc·ten·u·lar ker·a·ti·tis

an inflammation of the corneal conjunctiva with the formation of small red nodules of lymphoid tissue (phlyctenulae) near the corneoscleral limbus. Synonym(s): scrofulous keratitis

phlyc·ten·u·lar ker·a·ti·tis

(flik-ten'yū-lăr ker'ă-tī'tis) An inflammation of the corneal conjunctiva with the formation of small red nodules of lymphoid tissue (phlyctenulae) near the corneoscleral limbus.

phlyctenular keratitis

Circumscribed inflammation of the conjunctiva and cornea accompanied by the formation of small projections called phlyctenules, which consist of accumulations of lymphoid cells. The phlyctenules soften at the apices, forming ulcers. See: phlyctenular keratoconjunctivitisSee also: keratitis