Shinnihon Bungakukai

Shinnihon Bungakukai


(Society of the Literature of the New Japan), a union of progressive Japanese writers, founded in December 1945. The first members of the society were mostly former participants in the Proletarian Literature movement, including Miyamoto Yuriko, Kurahara Korehito, Tokunaga Su-nao, and Nakano Shigeharu, but younger members have since joined. The society has published the journal Shinnihon Bungaku since 1946. It advocates the development of democratic literature and opposes reaction. In spite of splits within the society, for example, at the sixth congress in 1952 and at the eleventh congress in 1964, and controversy over the role of politics in literature at the tenth congress in 1961, the society occupies a leading place in the literary life of Japan.


Grivnin, V. S. “Obshchestvo novoi iaponskoi literatury i demokraticheskoie literaturnoe dvizhenie ν Iaponii.” Narodv Azüi Afriki, no. 2, 1966.
Istoriia sovremennoi iaponskoi literatury. Moscow, 1961.
Grigor’eva, T., and V. Logunova. laponskaia literatura. Moscow, 1964.