TJATotal Joint Arthroplasty (surgical procedure)
TJATarija, Bolivia (Airport Code)
TJATelecommunications Journal of Australia (Telecommunications Society of Australia)
TJAThai Journalist Association
TJAThéatre des Jeunes Années (French: Young People's Theater)
TJATexas Jail Association (professional group; Huntsville, TX)
TJAThe Jedi Assembly (Star Wars fan club)
TJAThermo Jarrell Ash Corporation (spectrometer manufacturer)
TJATrichosanthes Japonica Agglutinin
TJATaiwan Journal of Anthropology
TJATransport Jacques Auger (French; Canadian transport company)
TJATréga'Jeunes Animations (French youth activity group)
TJATransportes João Amaral (Portuguese transport company)
TJATerminal Jog Auxiliary