

suff.1. Sound: homophone.2. Device that receives or emits sound: geophone.3. Speaker of a language: Anglophone.
[From Greek phōnē, sound, voice; see bhā- in Indo-European roots.]


combining form 1. (forming nouns) indicating voice, sound, or a device giving off sound: microphone; telephone. 2. (forming nouns and adjectives) (a person) speaking a particular language: Francophone. [from Greek phōnē voice, sound] -phonic adj combining form



n., v.t., v.i. phoned, phon•ing. telephone. [1880–85]



n. a single speech sound. Compare allophone, phoneme. [1865–70; < Greek phōnḗ voice]


a combining form meaning “speech sound” (homophone), “speaker” (of the language specified) (Francophone), “an instrument of sound transmission or reproduction” (telephone), “a musical instrument” (saxophone; xylophone). [see phone2]