

单词 psi


psi 1

P0631750 (sī, psī, psē)n. The 23rd letter of the Greek alphabet. See Table at alphabet.
[Middle English, from Late Greek, from Greek psei.]

psi 2

P0631750 (sī)n. Parapsychological phenomena or abilities considered as a group.
[Shortening and alteration of parapsychological.]

psi 3

abbr. pounds per square inch


abbreviation for (Units) pounds per square inch


(psaɪ) n1. (Letters of the Alphabet (Foreign)) the 23rd letter of the Greek alphabet (Ψ, ψ), a composite consonant, transliterated as ps2. (Psychology) a. paranormal or psychic phenomena collectivelyb. (as modifier): psi powers. 3. (Alternative Belief Systems) a. paranormal or psychic phenomena collectivelyb. (as modifier): psi powers.


(saɪ, psaɪ)

n., pl. psis. the 23rd letter of the Greek alphabet (Ψ, ψ). [1350–1400; Middle English < Greek pseî]



adj. of or pertaining to parapsychological manifestations or abilities. [1940–45; shortening of psychic or parapsychic]


or p.s.i.,

pounds per square inch.


Pounds per square inch: a unit for measuring pressure. One PSI equals the pressure resulting from a force of one pound force acting over an area of one square inch. See pound.
Noun1.psi - a unit of pressurepounds per square inchpressure unit - a unit measuring force per unit area
2.psi - the 23rd letter of the Greek alphabetGreek alphabet - the alphabet used by ancient Greeksalphabetic character, letter of the alphabet, letter - the conventional characters of the alphabet used to represent speech; "his grandmother taught him his letters"



(mechanics) pound per square inch


(religion, spiritualism, and occult)

Psi, the twenty-third letter of the Greek alphabet, was coined by Dr. Joseph Banks Rhine as a term for extrasensory perception. It later came to include psychokinesis and other paranormal phenomena. It is sometimes used as a short form of “psychic,” as in “psi ability” meaning “psychic ability.”


Bletzer, June G.: The Encyclopedia Psychic Dictionary. Lithia Springs: New Leaf, 1998Holroyd, Stuart: The Supernatural: Minds Without Boundaries. London: Aldus, 1975


Abbr. for “pounds per square inch.”


Portable Scheme Interpreter



 pounds per square inch.


, Ψrd1. Upper case psi, the 23rd letter of the Greek alphabet. 2. Symbol for pseudouridine; psychology.


(), 1. The 23rd letter of the Greek alphabet (ψ). 2. (ψ) Symbol for pseudouridine; pseudo-; wave function; the dihedral angle of rotation about the C1-Cα bond associated with a peptide bond. 3. Pounds per square inch.

extrasensory perception

(1) The alleged awareness of another person’s thoughts, allegedly mediated by poorly characterised “factors”.
(2) Reception of information not gained through the physical senses but rather through the mind, which encompasses psychic abilities (e.g., telepathy and clairvoyance) and their transtemporal operation as precognition or retrocognition.


PSIPounds per Square Inch
PSIPacket Switching Interface
PSIPopulation Services International
PSIPsychiatric Solutions Inc.
PSIPraeger Security International (Santa Barbara, CA)
PSIPublic Services International
PSIProduct Stewardship Institute
PSIPatient Safety Indicators
PSIPublic Sector Information
PSIPolicy Studies Institute (UK)
PSIProducts and Services, Inc. (various businesses)
PSIPaul Scherrer Institute (Switzerland, Joint Institute of ETH)
PSIPolitical, Social and International Studies (various locations)
PSIPet Sitters International
PSIPressure per Square Inch (measurement)
PSIPre-Shipment Inspection
PSIProliferation Security Initiative (international treaty with US DoD mission)
PSIPublisher Services, Inc. (Norcross, GA)
PSIPrivate Sector Involvement
PSIProject Server Interface (Microsoft)
PSIPerformance Studies International
PSIPersonal Software Inspector
PSIPerformance Systems International
PSIPersonal Services Income (taxes)
PSIPerimeter Scholars International (physics; Waterloo, Ontario, Canada)
PSIPlastic Surgery Institute (various locations)
PSIPenn State Industries
PSIPresentence Investigation
PSIProblem-Solving Inventory
PSIPartito Socialista Italiano
PSIPrinting Services, Inc. (various locations)
PSIPostpartum Support International
PSIPre-Sentence Investigation
PSIPatient Safety Institute
PSIPost Script Interpreter
PSIPublished Subject Indicator
PSIProgram Specific Information
PSIPerformance System Integrator
PSIPrime System Integrator
PSIPoly Silicon
PSIPacketnet Systems Interface
PSIProduct Support Integrator
PSIPrivacy Secure Inc.
PSIPacket Switched Interface
PSIProgram Specific Information (Television)
PSIPhysical Sciences Institute (Illinois)
PSIPermanent Subcommittee on Investigations (US Senate)
PSIPneumonia Severity Index
PSIPerspectives of System Informatics
PSIPitchshifter (band)
PSIPrograma Nacional para la Sociedad de la Información
PSIPolicy Studies Inc (Denver, Colorado)
PSIProtein Structure Initiative
PSIPersonalized System of Instruction
PSIPlanetary Science Institute
PSIPhysical Sciences Inc.
PSIPollutant Standards Index
PSIPsychological Society of Ireland
PSIPerformance Solutions, Inc. (various locations)
PSIPaix et Securite Internationales (French)
PSIPharmaceutical Society of Ireland
PSIPublic Strategies, Inc. (various locations)
PSIPostponing Sexual Involvement
PSIProcess Safety Information
PSIPlanned Systems International (Columbia, MD)
PSIProduct Support Integrator (US Army)
PSIProteomics Standards Initiative
PSIPhase Shifting Interferometry
PSIPolice Sub Inspector
PSIPersonnel Security Investigation
PSIPharmaceutical Security Institute
PSIPotentially Shippable Increment (Agile Software Development)
PSIPromoting Social Inclusion (UK)
PSIProfessional Secretaries International
PSIPrivate Sector Initiatives (Houston, TX)
PSIPlant Sciences Institute
PSIPublic Safety Institute
PSIPresent Serviceability Index (pavement quality rating)
PSIProfessional Services Industries, Inc.
PSIStatisticians in the Pharmaceutical Industry
PSIPublic Service Indiana
PSIPollution Standards Index
PSIPlanning Systems Incorporated
PSIPreservation Services, Inc. (various locations)
PSIPatient Safety Initiatives
PSIPhotonic Systems, Inc. (Billerica, MA)
PSIPollution Standard Index
PSIPlant Science Initiative
PSIPlatform Solutions, Inc. (Massachusetts)
PSIProduct Service Innovation
PSIPrincipal Security Inspector (aviation)
PSIProgram Systems Institute (Russian Academy of Sciences)
PSIPolymer Search on the Internet
PSIPatient Services Incorporated
PSIPacific Sustainability Index (Claremont McKenna College; Claremont, CA)
PSIProdukte Und Systeme Der Informationstechnologie (German stock company)
PSIPre-Shift Information (various companies)
PSIPhysicians Services Incorporated (Canada)
PSIProgrammable Serial Interface
PSIPortuguese Stock Index
PSIPerformance Strategies, Inc. (marketing)
PSIPerformance Sales International
PSIPharmaceutical Strategic Initiatives (est. 1985)
PSIPaul-Scherer-Institut (Switzerland)
PSIPrintempa Semajno Internacia
PSIPublic Service Interpreting
PSIAktiengesellschaft für Produkte und Systeme der Informationstechnologie
PSIPedestrian Safety Initiative (various locations)
PSIProject for School Innovation
PSIProtocol State Information
PSIPerception, Systèmes, Information
PSIPhilanthropic Service for Institutions
PSIProtein Synthesis Inhibition
PSIPharmacy Services Inc.
PSIPeripheral Solutions Inc. (Ontario, Canada)
PSIPakistan Standards Institution
PSIProfessional Scuba Inspectors, Inc.
PSIPinpoint Solutions, Inc. (Steamboat Springs, CO)
PSIPublic Seed Initiative (USDA)
PSIPriority Solutions International (various locations)
PSIProfessors for a Strong Israel
PSIPsychiatric Society for Informatics
PSIPhoton Systems Instruments
PSIPipeline Systems Inc.
PSIPolitical and Social Inquiry
PSIPerfectly Scientific Inc.
PSIPanel Source International (Canada)
PSIPalestine Standards Institution
PSIPhilanthropic Studies Index
PSIPHP Simple Informer (network services monitor)
PSIPlasma Source Instrument (NASA)
PSIPara Su Información (Spanish: For Your Information)
PSIPortable Scheme Interpreter
PSIPropagation Systems Inc.
PSIProject Status Inquiry
PSIProgram Structure Interface (integrated development environments)
PSIPitch Synchronous Innovation
PSIPortable Site Information
PSIParascience International (est. 1976)
PSIPechersk School International
PSIProcess Safety Incident
PSIProfessional Support Inc.
PSIPipeline Seal and Insulator, Inc.
PSIProbabilistic and Statistical Inference
PSIPermanent Staff Instructor (UK military)
PSIProfessional Standards Institute
PSIParanormal Science Investigations
PSIPreliminary Site Inspection
PSIPokémon Stars Indonesia (fan club)
PSIPoseidon Scientific Instruments Pty Ltd
PSIPartit Socialista de les Illes (Catalan: Socialist Party of the Islands)
PSIProcess Safety Institute
PSIParent Success Initiative
PSIProduct Support Initiative
PSIProgressive Structural Inspection (airframe hour based maintenance and overhaul inspection)
PSIPresent Situations Index
PSIProjeto de Sistemas de Informação
PSIPan-Sahelian Initiative
PSIProfessional Success Institute
PSIPre-Screening Interview
PSIPremium Services Infrastructure
PSIProgram Security Instruction
PSIPersonal Space Invader
PSIPrism Solutions, Inc.
PSIProfessional Staff Internship
PSIPersonnel Strategies LLC
PSIParadigm Shift International
PSIProgram in the Study of Imagination
PSIPurchase, Sales and Inventory
PSIPhoton Simulation Interface
PSIPartisan Self Identification
PSIProcess & Systems Integrity
PSIPlanar Spiral Inductor
PSIProgrammable Stratabus Interface
PSIPrestige Software International
PSIParanormal Society of Indiana
PSIPhysical Site Identifier (used to identify a Navy or Marine Corps military installation)
PSIPublic Studies Institute
PSIProbability, Statistics and Information
PSIPlan Speed Indicator
PSIPollution Standard Indicator
PSIPeripheral System Interconnect
PSIPrimary Shell Integrity
PSIProcess Sciences, Incorporated
PSIPan-Saharan Initiative
PSIPhilosophy Student Initiative
PSIPBX Switch Interface
PSIProgrammed School Input
PSIPilot's Steering Indicator
PSIPro Safety International Ltd (UK)
PSIPromotional Services International
PSIPresident's Security Initiative
PSIProperty Standards Index (Australia)
PSIPress Services of India (India)
PSIPI Scientific Instrument
PSIPrior Suspense Item
PSIProScuba Inc.
PSIPersonal and Family Safety Information
PSIPico-Second Interval
PSIPro Salute Imperii (Latin: For Safety of the Empire, epigraphy)
PSIProduct-Specific Sales Incentive
PSIProgram Support Item/Interest
PSIPleural Space Infection
PSIProgramme de Surveillance de l'Irradiation (French: Radiation Monitoring Program)
PSIProgramme de Suivi de l'Irradiation (French: Irradiation Monitoring Program)


  • noun

Synonyms for psi

noun a unit of pressure


  • pounds per square inch

Related Words

  • pressure unit

noun the 23rd letter of the Greek alphabet

Related Words

  • Greek alphabet
  • alphabetic character
  • letter of the alphabet
  • letter




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