Sanganois State Fish & Wildlife Area
Sanganois State Fish & Wildlife Area
Location:At the junction of the Sangamon and Illinois rivers, 8 miles northwestof Chandlerville off Rt 78, mostly in Cass and Mason counties.
Facilities:Boat ramp.
Special Features:Managed primarily as a refuge for migratory waterfowl and as a publicduck and goose hunting area, Sanganois is one of the few state-ownedrefuges and public hunting areas along the Illinois River. Prior tostate acquisition the lands and waters within the area were owned andoperated as private duck clubs, the largest being the Sanganois GunClub. Public access is mainly by boat.
Address:3594 County Road 200 N
Chandlerville, IL 62627
Size: 10,360 acres.
See other parks in Illinois.
Sanganois State Fish & Wildlife Area
Sanganois State Fish & Wildlife Area
Location:At the junction of the Sangamon and Illinois rivers, 8 miles northwestof Chandlerville off Rt 78, mostly in Cass and Mason counties.
Facilities:Boat ramp.
Special Features:Managed primarily as a refuge for migratory waterfowl and as a publicduck and goose hunting area, Sanganois is one of the few state-ownedrefuges and public hunting areas along the Illinois River. Prior tostate acquisition the lands and waters within the area were owned andoperated as private duck clubs, the largest being the Sanganois GunClub. Public access is mainly by boat.
Address:3594 County Road 200 N
Chandlerville, IL 62627
Size: 10,360 acres.
See other parks in Illinois.