Remote-Control and Remote-Signaling System
Remote-Control and Remote-Signaling System
a telemechanic system used for carrying out control and for monitoring the execution of commands at a distance. In its broadest sense, the English term “remote-control” is similar in meaning to the term “telemechanic” used here (see); the term “remote-control” is used in a narrower sense in the present article (see).
A remote-control and remote-signaling system may transmit not only information on the states of the controlled systems but also information on the states of systems that are monitored but not controlled. Indication may also be provided of the exceeding of permissible limits by the monitored parameters—for example, alarms may be actuated, or information may be transmitted on the operational condition of the telemechanic equipment. The monitoring information is presented on the control board by means of graphic panels or indicators.
An example of a remote-control and remote-signaling system is the Soviet TME-I system, which is used to control systems associated with power-supply networks for large industrial enterprises; the controlled systems must be connected to a single controlled point. Information is transmitted through wire lines over distances of up to 15 km. From ten to 40 remote-control signals can be transmitted; such a signal may cause, for example, a power unit to be put into operation or a synchronous capacitor to be disconnected. From 15 to 45 remote-signaling signals can be transmitted; such a signal may, for example, confirm the execution of a command or give the position of switches on the main control board.