Sutter's Fort State Historic Park

Sutter's Fort State Historic Park

Parks Directory of the United States / State Parks / California
Location:In midtown Sacramento between K and L Streets and 26th and 28th Streets.
Facilities:Restored fort, visitor center, exhibits, restrooms (é).
Activities:Guided and self-guided tours.
Special Features:Sutter's Fort was Sacramento's earliest settlement. John Sutter, aSwiss immigrant, received a 48,000-acre Mexican land grant in theSacramento Valley in 1839 and used the land to create a flourishingagricultural empire. However, less than a decade after they wereestablished, Sutter's properties were overrun by gold seekers and thefort is all that remains. The fort has been restored to its 1846appearance.
Address:c/o Capital District, Historic Sites Sector
101 J St
Sacramento, CA 95814

Size: 5.8 acres.

See other parks in California.