sutural bones

su·tur·al bones

[TA] small irregular bones found along the sutures of the cranium, particularly related to the parietal bone. Synonym(s): os suturarum [TA], Andernach ossicles, epactal bones, epactal ossicles, wormian bones

wormian bones

A subset of the small intrasutural bones that lie between the cranial sutures formed by the bones of the skull vault, which are formed due to additional ossification centres in or near sutures. They are regarded as normal variants and may have a genetic component. They have been linked to rapid cranial expansion as they appear in great number in hydrocephalic skulls. They are commonly found in the lambdoid suture and fontanelles but also occur in the coronal, squamosal and sagittal sutures.

su·tur·al bones

(sū'chŭr-ăl bōnz) [TA] Small, irregular bones found along the sutures of the cranium, particularly related to the parietal bone.
Synonym(s): wormian bones.


Johann Winther von (Guenther von), German physician, 1505-1574. Andernach ossicles - small irregular bones found along the sutures of the cranium. Synonym(s): sutural bones


Ole, Danish anatomist, 1588-1654. wormian bones - small irregular bones found along the sutures of the cranium, particularly related to the parietal bone. Synonym(s): sutural bones