San Juan Bautista State Historic Park
San Juan Bautista State Historic Park
Location:On Highway 156, 7 miles west of Hollister, in the city of San Juan Bautista.
Facilities:Picnic area, restrooms, visitor center, exhibits (é).
Special Features:Adjacent to one of California's 21 Franciscan missions, this locationwas once the largest town in central California and the hub of travelbetween northern and central California. The mission is owned andoperated by the Catholic Church and has been in continuous use sinceJuly 1, 1812. The park includes several structures built in the 1800s,including the Plaza Hotel, stable, blacksmith shop, granary, jail, andseveral houses. Museum exhibits depict California life of the Mission,Mexican, and early American periods.
Address:c/o Monterey District Office
2211 Garden Rd
Monterey, CA 93940
Size: 6.1 acres.
See other parks in California.