Sonoma Coast State Beach

Sonoma Coast State Beach

Parks Directory of the United States / State Parks / California
Location:Between Jenner and Bodega Bay on Highway 1.
Facilities:125 developed campsites, 31 primitive/environmental campsites, showers and restrooms, picnicareas, hiking trails, horseback trails, boat launch (é).
Activities:Camping, fishing, hiking, horseback riding, beachcombing, wildlife viewing.
Special Features:Sonoma Coast State Beach, which is actually a series of beachesseparated by rock bluffs and headlands, extends 17 miles from BodegaHead to Vista Trail (4 miles north of Jenner). Visitors can access thebeach at more than a dozen points along Highway 1. The high cliffs ofBodega Head are an excellent vantage point for watching migrating graywhales.
Address:c/o North Bay District Office
PO Box 123
Duncan Mills, CA 95430

Size: 9,711 acres.

See other parks in California.