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ster·e·o·chem·is·try S0742900 (stĕr′ē-ō-kĕm′ĭ-strē, stîr′-)n. The branch of chemistry that deals with spatial arrangements of atoms in molecules and the effects of these arrangements on the chemical and physical properties of substances. ster′e·o·chem′i·cal (-ĭ-kəl) adj.stereochemical (ˌstɛrɪəʊˈkɛmɪkəl) adjof, relating to, stereochemistryEncyclopediaSeestereochemistrystereochemical
ster·e·o·chem·i·cal (ster'ē-ō-kem'i-kăl), Relating to stereochemistry.ster·e·o·chem·i·cal (ster'ē-ō-kem'i-kăl) Relating to stereochemistry. stereochemistryS18-897320 (stĕr″ē-ō-kĕm′ĭs-trē) That branch of chemistry dealing with atoms in their space relationship and the effect of such a relationship on the action and effects of the molecule.stereochemical, adjective |