

单词 bbs



abbr. Computers bulletin board system


abbreviation for (Telecommunications) be back soon


bulletin board system: a computerized facility, accessible by modem, for collecting and relaying electronic messages and software programs. Also called electronic bulletin board. [1980–85]


Be back soon
Noun1.BBS - a computer that is running software that allows users to leave messages and access information of general interestbbs - a computer that is running software that allows users to leave messages and access information of general interestbulletin board, bulletin board system, electronic bulletin boarddigital computer - a computer that represents information by numerical (binary) digitscomputer science, computing - the branch of engineering science that studies (with the aid of computers) computable processes and structures



(computer science) bulletin board system


bulletin board system


(1) (Bulletin Board System) A computer system used as an information source and forum for a particular interest group. They were widely used in the U.S. to distribute shareware and drivers and had their heyday in the 1980s and first part of the 1990s, all before the Web took off. A BBS functions somewhat like a stand-alone website, but without graphics. However, unlike Web access via one connection to the Internet, each BBS had its own telephone number to dial up.

Although still used in some parts of the world where there is little or no Internet access, most every resource found on a BBS migrated to the Web. Software companies may still maintain their old BBS to serve as alternate venues for downloading drivers.

Comm Programs Are Required
To access a BBS, a general-purpose communications program such as Crosstalk or Qmodem Pro is used. The address list in a comm program stores telephone numbers like a Web browser stores bookmarked URLs.

(2) (BIOS Boot Specification) A Plug and Play BIOS format that enables the user to determine the boot sequence. See OPROM.



Abbreviation for:
behavioural and brain sciences
benign breast syndrome
Berg Balance Scale
brown bowel syndrome
benign biliary strictures
bulletin board system (Medspeak-UK)


Abbreviation for Berg Balance Scale.




A neuropeptide present in the gut and brain tissue of humans. It has antiulcer, anti-inflammatory, appetite-suppressing, and trophic effects. It has been identified in a number of malignancies and has been used in oncology as an biological marker of disease progression.
LegalSeeBoardFinancialSeeOTC Bulletin Board


BBSBulletin Board System
BBSBe Back Soon (chat)
BBSBreeding Bird Survey
BBSBehavior-Based Safety
BBSBehavioral and Brain Sciences
BBSBoard of Behavioral Sciences (California)
BBSBulletin Board Service
BBSBangladesh Bureau of Statistics
BBSBody Building Supplement (drugs)
BBSBender's Big Score (animated video)
BBSBerger Blanc Suisse (French: Swiss White Shepherd; dog breed)
BBSBeverley Building Society (UK)
BBSBoom Boom Satellites (band)
BBSBritish Boy Scouts (UK)
BBSBureau of Border Security (US DHS)
BBSBerufsbildende Schule (German: vocational school)
BBSBank and Building Society (UK)
BBSBrittle Bone Society (UK)
BBSBardet-Biedl Syndrome
BBSBertolt-Brecht-Schule (German school)
BBSBiological Biomedical Sciences (various organizations)
BBSBe Back Soon
BBSBass Boost System
BBSBandwidth Brokers
BBSBackup Boot Sector
BBSBIOS Boot Specification
BBSBaby Butt Smooth (shaving)
BBSBachelor of Business Studies
BBSBoard of Building Standards (Ohio)
BBSBerg Balance Scale
BBSBreakbeat Science (record shop, New York)
BBSBabcock Borsig Service (energy; Germany)
BBSBankenes Betalingssentral (Norwegian: Payment Central Banks)
BBSBarcelona Boat Show (Spain)
BBSBhutan Broadcasting Service (TV and radio)
BBSBalanced Business Scorecard
BBSBranch and Bound Search (computer algorithm)
BBSBall Bearing Screw (mechanical)
BBSBattery Backup System
BBSBroadband System
BBSBasic Biomedical Science (various schools)
BBSBusiness Balanced Scorecard
BBSBell Business Solutions
BBSBritish Biophysical Society
BBSBrede Bossche Scholen (Dutch schools)
BBSBukit Barisan Selatan
BBSBright Beginnings School (Arizona)
BBSBlackwell Book Services (UK)
BBSBotswana Building Society
BBSBattalion Battle Simulation
BBSBarcelona Business School (Barcelona, Spain)
BBSBanking and Business Solutions (Oslo, Norway)
BBSBaptist Bible Seminary
BBSBashful Bladder Syndrome
BBSButch's Bore Shine (gun cleaner)
BBSBlack Business Space (Deland, FL)
BBSBrown Bag Seminar
BBSBureau of Biological Survey
BBSBroadband Switch
BBSBlog Business Summit
BBSBudapest Business School (Hungary)
BBSBlue Baby Syndrome
BBSBellsouth Business Systems
BBSBelize Bureau of Standards
BBSBachelor of Business Science
BBSBaton Broadcast System (Canada)
BBSBulletin Bibliographique Spéléologique (French: Bibliographic Speleological Bulletin; Switzerland)
BBSBaltimore Blues Society
BBSBelly Button Surgery (laparoscopic surgery)
BBSBulletin de Bibliographie Spinoziste (French: Bulletin of Spinoza Bibliography)
BBSBrussels Business School (Brussels, Belgium)
BBSBilateral Breath Sounds (medical)
BBSBuilding Bench Strength (insurance industry)
BBSBrigade Battle Simulation
BBSBusiness Building Seminar
BBSBlack Box Studios
BBSBruno Bernard Simon (information systems consulting firm; Lille, France)
BBSBelgian Budgerigar Society
BBSBina Bangsa School (Indonesia)
BBSBritish Boomerang Society
BBSBaumgartner Brand Schiltach (wheels)
BBSBusiness Breakdown Structure
BBSBordeaux Bureaux Services (French: Bordeaux Office Services; Bordeaux, France)
BBSBlue Business Solutions (France)
BBSBrazil Bourbon Santos (coffee)
BBSBadminton Swiss Series (Switzerland)
BBSBig Bird Systems (satellite technology)
BBSBase Band Switch
BBSBody Bearer School (US Marine Corps)
BBSBrigade/Battalion Simulation System
BBSBox Bark Strips
BBSBrownian Bridge Sampler
BBSBrooklin Bulletin Signs (sign company)
BBSBest before Sale
BBSBare Base Set
BBSBison Business Supplies (Great Meadows, NJ)
BBSBack Bencher Society (informal student group)
BBSBest Beautiful Smallest Miniatures (horse and donkey breeder; France)


  • noun

Synonyms for bbs

noun a computer that is running software that allows users to leave messages and access information of general interest


  • bulletin board
  • bulletin board system
  • electronic bulletin board

Related Words

  • digital computer
  • computer science
  • computing




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