

 [fos″fo-nĕ-kro´sis] necrosis of the mandible due to excessive exposure to phosphorus; this was a common occupational illness in the 1800s among workers in the match industry and was an early example of the demonstrated need to protect workers from detrimental conditions by applying simple safety measures. Called also phossy jaw.


(fos'fō-nĕ-krō'sis), Necrosis of the bone of the jaw, a result of poisoning by inhalation of phosphorus fumes, occurring especially in people who work with the element. [phosphorus + G. nekrōsis, death (necrosis)]


(fos'fō-nĕ-krō'sis) Necrosis of the osseous tissue of the jaw, as a result of poisoning by inhalation of phosphorus fumes, occurring especially in people with prolonged occupational exposure. [phosphorus + G. nekrōsis, death (necrosis)]


(fos'fō-nĕ-krō'sis) Necrosis of jaw bone, due to poisoning by inhalation of phosphorus fumes. [phosphorus + G. nekrōsis, death (necrosis)]