remote monitoring

remote monitoring

(protocol)(RMON) A network management protocol thatallows network information to be gathered at a singlecomputer. Whereas SNMP gathers network data from a singletype of Management Information Base (MIB), RMON 1 definesnine additional MIBs that provide a much richer set of dataabout network usage. For RMON to work, network devices, suchas hubs and switches, must be designed to support it.

The newest version of RMON, RMON 2, provides data abouttraffic at the network layer in addition to the physical layer. This allows administrators to analyse traffic byprotocol.

Remote Monitoring


(Russian, telekontrol’), monitoring at a distance by telemechanic means (see). Both telemetering and remote signaling (telesignalizatsiia) are subsumed under remote monitoring.