Suzgun Culture

Suzgun Culture


a Bronze-age archaeological culture that existed in the forest zone of Western Siberia during the second half of the second millennium B.C. Little studied, the culture was named for a sacrificial site at Suzgun, near Tobol’sk. It is characterized by large flat-bottomed vessels with continuous ornamentation divided into horizontal sections. The remains of the Suzgun culture are found mainly in the Tobol’sk area near the Irtysh River; however, pottery typical of the Suzgun culture has also been found near the Ob’ River as far north as Taz Bay.


Chernetsov, V. N., V. I. Moshinskaia, and I. A. Talitskaia. “Drevniaia istoriia Nizhnego Priob’ia.” In Materialy i issledovaniiapo arkheologii SSSR, no. 35. Moscow, 1953.