Acronym | Definition |
VOB➣Veteran-Owned Business |
VOB➣Vergabe- und Vertragsordnung für Bauleistungen (German: contracting rules for award of public works contracts) |
VOB➣Vereniging van Openbare Bibliotheken (Dutch: Association of Public Libraries) |
VOB➣Verdingungsordnung für Bauleistungen (German: According to Key) |
VOB➣Vadeli Islem ve Opsiyon Borsasi (Turkey) |
VOB➣Virtual Object |
VOB➣Video Object |
VOB➣Video Output Board |
VOB➣Voice Over Broadband |
VOB➣Verification of Benefits (health coverage) |
VOB➣Verband Osterreichischer Beton und Fertigteilwerke (German: Association of Austrian Concrete and Finished Part Works; Vienna, Austria) |
VOB➣Versioned Object Base |
VOB➣Visions of Blue (environment; Australia) |
VOB➣Video OBject file |
VOB➣Voice of the Business (US Postal Service) |
VOB➣Vlaams Overleg Bewonersbelangen (Dutch; residential consultative body; Belgium) |
VOB➣Verbond van Ondernemingen te Brussel (Dutch: Federation of Enterprises in Brussels; Brussels, Belgium) |
VOB➣Visitors and Observers Bureau |
VOB➣Voice of Biafra |
VOB➣Video over Broadband |
VOB➣Bundesverband Öffentlicher Banken Deutschlands (German: Association of German Public Banks) |
VOB➣Vehicle of Bavaria |
VOB➣Volkswagen of Bethesda (Rockville, Maryland) |
VOB➣Vereinigung Österreichischer Bibliothekarinnen und Bibliothekare (German: Federation of Austrian Librarians; Graz, Austria) |
VOB➣Victim of Budget |